slight Animation for Women's Growth Club logo
our values

Are at the cornerstone of everything we do as a community, and I wholeheartedly stand by them.


Growth as the guiding principle, driving constant learning and progress. We believe in the power of growth to expand our horizons, open to opportunities and help us reach our true potential.


Community is our foundation, providing support, inspiration and connections on our professional journey.


Creativity fuels our passion. We value creativity as a source of innovation, self-expression and problem  solving.


Empowerment is at the heart of our mission, we believe in creating a culture in which every voice is heard, every talent is valued and every goal is achievable.

Growing up in cities where borders and barriers were a part of everyday life, connecting the line between US and Mexico, gave me a unique perspective on diversity and the importance of breaking down barriers of opportunity.

With 10 years of experience spanning design, media, adult education, and project product management, I've come to embrace my multi passionate self.  Beyond my professional pursuits, I'm  passionate about fostering communities and empowering women in the creative sector.

While living in Berlin, I've launched Growth the podcast, inspired by the city's creativity and entrepreneurial spirit to foster growth through the power of real-life experiences, and Mastermind sessions for women in Berlin, providing a space to chat about business, fostering collaboration and professional development.

Through Growth Club, my mission is to create a global community of support, where we come together to create meaningful initiatives and help each other grow!
Image of founder